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Snake Repellent

Most people do not want to see snakes near their home – much less inside it!

So when snakes appear, 
it’s time to start considering what to use as a natural snake repellent.
A good place to start is with a little understanding of snake behavior and motivation, like:

-Why does a snake want to go into your house?

-What, if anything, are snakes afraid of?

-How do snakes taste and is there any flavors that they find repugnant?

-How do snakes find food or know if there is a predator nearby?


-Why does a snake want to go into your house?

Snakes mostly go into homes looking for food or looking for a warm place to nest. Sometimes they just wander in by accident.
But either way, you’ll probably still want them gone!
Our PredatorPee® SnakeScentry used around the outside of your home, barn, shed, garage etc. will keep snakes from coming in.

-What, if anything, are snakes afraid of?

Just any other animal, snakes have predators of which they are afraid. Depending on the snake and geographic location,
major predators of snakes include large birds, wild boars, mongooses, raccoons, foxes, coyotes and even other snakes.
The PeeMan has taken note of all these predators and their urine in the development of the PredatorPee® SnakeScentry line of snake-predator urine line of snake deterrent products.

-How do snakes taste food and is there any flavors
that they find repugnant?

Snakes taste their food with their tongues and yes, there are several naturally occurring substances that snakes find distasteful and repellent.
They include cinnamon oil, clove oil, garlic, sulfur and wormwood.
The PeeMan has used them all in his PeeMan Approved PredatorPee® SNAKE-Eliminator spray and granule products.


--How do snakes find food or know
if there is a predator nearby?

You know how a snake flicks its tongue out of its mouth and into the air? Well, when its doing that,
it is actually tasting the air to pick up scent particles on its highly sensitive tongue and a special organ on the roof of its mouth.
This Jacobson's Organ is able to perceive whether the scent if food or danger.
PredatorPee® SnakeScentry is pure urine from snake predators designed to send a message of pure danger
to the Jacobson's Organ and on to the snake brain that tells the snake it is time to leave….and fast!

In addition to PredatorPee® SnakeScentry and SNAKE-Eliminator, we also offer our SnakeGuard Snake Traps, live snake traps for humane relocation.

So, to repel snakes outside, inside or to trap them, PredatorPee® has the snake deterrent products you need!

* Quantity Pricing Available. Follow link for details.