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YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
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How to Get Rid of Skunks with PredatorPee

Learn how to get rid of skunks and their stinky smell with PredatorPee® Fox Urine – There is nothing worse than a skunk moving in under your shed or porch. But there is a solution. Wild foxes prey on skunks and skunks know that the scent of a fox’s urine means that danger is likely nearby. Skunks don’t have to learn this fear of foxes – it is a genetic imprint. When a skunk smells a fox it wants to do only one thing – and that is leave now! With PredatorPee® FoxPee you put this natural fear factor to work for you. This is what you do: since skunks are nocturnal prowlers, wait until about an hour after dark when the skunk has left its den under your porch or shed. Then seal up or block off any entry point that you think the skunk uses to go in and out and spray the whole blocking area with a good dose of natural Fox Urine skunk repellent. The combination of a blocked path and the scent of its most feared predator will send Mr. Skunk packin’! Try this natural skunk deterrent today!


"I live in San Diego, Cal. and we have so many skunks this year. I've called all over town asking how to get rid of them. Everyone said to get a trap and take them to the country to release them. I'm in my 70's and am not about to trap a skunk! My son in Seattle, Wash. sent me some Fox urine. He said everyone up there uses it but down here they laughed at me. However, it has worked for 3 weeks, but now they're back. Help! How can I order more ?"

E. Hanley - San Diego, California



I have used your products (for skunks) for at least the past 6 years...and they work!”

Wally – Salem, OR


This stuff works GREAT at keeping skunks away from our property and pets.”

Brian - Peabody, MA

Skunks have few ground predators, but foxes are one of them. Skunks have a highly developed sense of smell and excellent hearing to make up for their poor very poor vision. Skunks can smell the presence of a predator from a substantial distance, giving the slow-moving animal time to relocate and avoid the danger. PredatorPee® FoxPee Fox Urine puts the smell of real fox urine to work for you to get rid of skunks. When a skunk smells PredatorPee® FoxPee Fox Urine, it believes that real fox is nearby, it’s fear instinct is triggered and the skunk heads away from your home and yard as quickly as it can. PredatorPee® FoxPee Fox Urine is available in liquid, granules and PeeShot canisters. Free Shipping Always to USA & Canada