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Coyote Urine   Wolf Urine   Bobcat Urine   Fox Urine   Mt.Lion Urine   Bear Urine   Raccoon Urine 
YardCover Shakin'Flakes - Granular PredatorPee®
Pick Your Pee   Pick Your Pest

About Us


Did you ever wonder why someone would get in the Pee Business? The PeeMan certainly has! Did the PeeMan when asked in childhood “what do you want to be when you grow up,” say: I want to sell Pee to people around the world?

If he did, I am sure there would have been therapy for that.

No, the PeeMan did not choose to be in the Pee business, it was chosen for him and he was made for it.

You see the PeeMan was educated to be a journalist, but having a job was not very appealing. The entrepreneurial spark was ignited early. It was once written that the definition of an entrepreneur was someone who would do almost anything to avoid getting a job. That is the PeeMan.

The PeeMan left college before graduation to be a journalist but did not want a job. So he started his own weekly newspaper at the age of 20 and at the age of 20 and a half, the PeeMan’s newspaper was broke. But in those 6 months, he learned where the money was and next launched a freelance ad agency, which lead to a partnership in a real ad agency, which led to his own marketing and advertising agency which led to a client that sold urine to hunters and trappers.

For that client, the future PeeMan became the voice of urine in the marketplace and the Pee prospered. He learned the qualities, characteristics and applications of pee. He learned to talk pee like nobody else. He learned it was fun. And he learned he really liked it!

Then the client put his urine business up for sale and the PeeMan did not want to see it go – so he bought it. In 1986 the PeeMan had his own little pee-business selling pee to sportsmen and photographers who wanted attract animals using the scent of urine as lure.

Then everything changed. A lawn and garden store in New Hampshire called one day and wanted to buy fox urine because one of their customers wanted to use it keep rabbits out of their garden. They said that the customer had gotten some urine last season from a local trapper and that it worked really great.

It was a light bulb moment for the fledgling PeeMan. The scent and lure market for hunters and trappers was nice little niche for the small pee company, but the lawn and garden market was something else entirely! The real pee business was calling the PeeMan! And the PeeMan answered. From that point on, the Pee Man learned that his customers were leading the way for him. They were telling him everyday where his business would go. All he had to do was listen. They would call and write with their animal pest problem and the PeeMan would go to work matching his natural pest deterrents to the problem. And then the customers would tell him how it worked. And on it went, in 1986 the biggest animal pest problem was deer. Now over 30 years later, it is coyotes, cats and rats and the PeeMan has the right Pee for them all!

And the Pee world gets bigger and bigger everyday – The PeeMan brings the right pee for wild boar in Japan, moose in Finland, civet cats in Israel, blue bulls in India and the list goes on and on.

Everyday the PeeMan and his family get to work using the God-created natural pest deterrents that keep balance in nature. We get to bring you Pee – the incredible natural communicator that animals use to avoid danger and find mates. We love telling people we are in the Pee business and thank you for being a part of it too.


Since 1986, PredatorPee® has been bringing coyote urine, wolf urine, bobcat urine, fox urine, mt.lion urine and bear urine to the world as the perfect all-natural way to keep pest animals away. Whether it is a deer, coyote, mouse, rabbit, rat, raccoon, squirrel  or any other problem pest, thousands of customers have found  PredatorPee® to be the product that works!